Monday, June 28, 2010


So Friday night I was SOOOOO bored so I texted McKenna to see if she wanted to go on an epic adventure with me. (Kels was at the sand dunes or else she would have come too)

We drove around for a lil bit and had NO idea what to do but we did have our bandannas on and eyeshadow stick just incase we decided we needed war paint. (It never came to that) We decided we wanted to go through the tunnels (above ground) haha

McKennas new friend

Wait! He is mine :] haha

I then had this great idea to lay across the whole in the top. It was a lot bigger than it looked so I just held myself up over it. Its far down i promise!!

We then parked at Junction and just started walking around town.




we then texted Matt and he came and picked us up. We then drove around town and then ended up at the park. We talked for awhile and then went home :] It was a pretty good Friday night If I do say :] and don't worry I do!

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