Monday, June 16, 2008

Tag You're It!

Well since i've been tagged twice by Jennifer and Kelsie i figured i might as well do it plus its kinda fun :]

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? just getting done with third grade and i think thats the year me and mandy carter wrote letters to the boys we liked that went terribly wrong haha

2. What was I doing 5 years ago? i was just getting ready to start high school and was in Cheer probably at cheer camp actually shy as can be..the girls thought i was a mute probably

3. What was I doing 5 months ago? hmmm school? yes school haha not much oh and had just ended it with Cooper

4. 5 Things on my To-Do List:

  • clean my room

  • Skateboard :]

  • Sell tickets for girls camp...yes im going but as a leader its my eighth year idk if thats a good thing or a sad thing

  • get started on studying for the caap(i think thats what its called)

  • Smile-thats always on my things to do :]

5. 5 Snacks I Enjoy:

  • Fruit

  • cheese sticks

  • oreos

  • Smoothies :] yummy

  • cheesey tortillas :]

6. 5 things I would do if I became a Billionaire:

1. Tithing-im really bad at that....

2. Buy a new car a jeep liberty

3. Buy that house i want in Kanab but then repaint it :]

4. Make it so my dad didn't have to go to Cali to work

5. travel oh i would soooo travel :]

7. 5 Bad Habits:

1. This dang computer!!

2. i worry about anything and everything under the sun its bad

3. i buy clothes when i dont need them....

4. Not sleeping

5. complaining...

8. 5 Places I have lived:

1. Heaven

2. Palmdale, California

3. Kanab , Utah

4. Cedar City, Utah

5. Where ever life takes me :]

9. 5 Jobs I've Had:

1. babysitting

2. Special Tees....cuz my parents own it haha

3. Pharmacy

4. i dont know

5. i dont like change haha

10. 5 People I Tag:

1. Sarah Greener

2. Kassi

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

There really isn't anyone else, i could put chasen and justin but i know they wont do it so ya have at it :]


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