Friday, November 14, 2008

whats with all the sawbsaw stuff?!

So im going to answer the question, "Why is your blog title" or "why is your license plate sawbsaw?", OR "why is your email sawbsaw?" I dont know if anyone really cares and im sure most everyone knows why but im bored, cant sleep, and well mostly just in a random mood!

So, whats with the sawbsaw stuff? Well i will tell you :]
When i was little about 2 or 3 (whenever i first started talking) one night while my parents were putting me in bed i said "sawbsaw", how it caught on, or why i kept saying it everynight? I dont know! lol, Maybe i meant a different word like good night or sleep tight?! Who knows, not me thats for sure :] Soooo ever since then, every night before i go to sleep we would say sawbsaw! ( i dont do it now only when im talking or texting friends at night, or when im home) My lil brother says it, cuz i guess he just grew up with it. I still say it when i say goodbye to my parents. I even say it with a few friends, its just something that is special to me. When i say it to people i care about, it means something to me lol. Its really strange but its just how its been lol :] So thats why my license is Sawbsaw, why my email is sawbsaw, andddd why my blog is sawbsaw! It's great to use for that stuff cuz no one ever has it already cuz its a made up word :] So ya for anyone that wanted to know thats why my blog is :]

Kaylie :]

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