Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm blessed!!!

I have other posts that I need to do. But i just feel like I need to do this post. I have been blessed through my life with a ton of people that have lifted me up and there are a few wonderful best friends that have come into my life that i wouldn't feel right if i didn't say how grateful i am for them.

Goodness where do i even begin??? We get along sooo well and have soo much in common! I really can never say how thankful i am for her. Not even kidding! She has been there for me so many times and has given me multiple good laughs!! I love our crazy random adventures and how random our inside jokes are! I'm so grateful for her putting up with me and taking me into her family! It may have been a lil unique of how we met but I wouldn't change it anyway! And it has served a purpose that is for sure!! Thanks sooo much kels for everything you do! I hope this doesnt sound to korny but i always wanted one of those friends that I could just hang out with and be like a sister and well i finally got one!! WOO :] Please remember how awesome and great you are!! Remember that you deserve the very best and that your such a awesome, funny, loving and beautiful person!! Dont ever forget that!! Dont forget how gorgeous you are!!! and I am ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU!!!! I hope that we once we get married to those two hot sexy men that we can still be awesome friends and laugh about all the random crazy talks and trips we have had!! Love ya MO hehehe!

Justin Justin Justin haha (need new pictures!!!!)
Wow kid!! You're just awesome!! Thanks so much for literally always being there for me and listen to me complain and scream. You have put up with a lot from me but you have NO idea how much you have helped me!! You were one that stood by me when no one else would Out of all those friends you believe in me and thanks so much!! I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Please forgive me for all the times i got mad at you for stupid reasons im sorry!! You also need to remember to take your own advice and Im so happy for ya and cici!! You guys are just sooo cute together :] and I think you guys are sooo perfect together!! You both have helped me soo much and thanks again!!!

Woot girl :] You're like the lil sister that I never had and I still cant believe that you're joshs age lol!! Ur so silly and I loved working with you!! What an awesome funny person you are!! Remember how wonderful and sweet you are!! please!! And remember my advice yesterday :] Just do it you will be so glad you did!! Be brave cuz you are sooooo awesome and brave!!! BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!! Bring that Wonder Woman out :D hehe

Delaney :]
Oh what a funny girl you are!! I love ya!! I'm so glad we are friends and that I know you and kels!! I love how when we all hang out we cant ever stop laughing!! You're such a strong young woman and such a beacon to everyone!! Not even kidding!! You're so mature it blows my mind!! Im so glad we can have our random giggle sessions!! Heck we are just the life of the party!! WOOOO lol Dont ever forget how wonderful and smart you are!! Not even kidding again lol your sooo smart!! And beautiful!!! I wish my hair was as long as yours!! Someday a hot guy is gonna come up and be like ooooo look at that girl with the long red hair!! I want to kiss that!! WOOOT lol Ur just awesome!!!

I hope i didn't forget anyone or anything!!! If i did Im WAY sorry!!! And please remember how grateful i am for allllllll of you!! You each add such a wonderful sparkle to my life!!!

1 comment:

McKenna said...

That was a fabulous post, although I don't know if that wonder woman will come out... I'm not as brave as you think! Haha you're the greatest kaylie :) thank YOU and you rock, woot
and thAnks for believing in me haha :D

you make my day with your fabulous posts! Keep...postin haha